
Avoiding the end ....

When I am listening to a song that stirs my insides up and tickles my heart I will start it over in the middle of the song. This is crazy right? I could easily start it again at the end but I have this thing about not wanting to come close to the end. i would rather stop Iz mid sentence than feel the feeling of the end coming.
I think that sometimes I try and hold onto life mid-life too.
I wonder if ... no I wonder when I will learn to trust that life never ends at the end ... there is always another song. And my favorite of all songs either come around again or loose a little of their favoriteness to a new favorite.


Anonymous said...

An end is only a new beginning.
Love and Hugs K8

Anonymous said...

Did you know that often composers write the ending of a song first? When the song is written from an amazing and climatic ending, the rest of the song is just the steps to get there. This results in an intentional flow that builds anticipation as our hearts listen. Just as the composer has planned the glorious ending to their song, my faith whispers that someone has also planned a radiant final verse and splendid finish for our lives. When we are held back by from seeing what comes next, it is like walking for hours up a trail and then turning around to leave right before we glimpse the breathtaking view. And who are we kidding, we want to see the view!
Sar bear

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I am doing my best to find the good things in my life and cherish them. I love deeply. I laugh hard (so hard I sometimes snort). I still dream and believe that dreams are meant to be followed. I try to depend on God. I have so much to learn. I hope.

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