
Professional imposter/spacebrain

To add to my already fragile sense of self today. This is me doing laundry:
1. Take the laundry down, down, around to the back and down the stairs
2. Come back up, around to the front and up for the detergent I forgot
3. Down, down, around to the back and down the stairs to realize that Idol had distracted me into thinking that I went up to get change (change that I already had in my pocket)
4. Back up, around to the front and up for the detergent I forgot again
5. Down, down, around to the back and down the stairs to find that this machine only takes quarters and I nicely collected a loonie and two quarters
6. Back up, around to the front and up for proper change
7. Down, down, around to the back and down the stairs to insert change and start washer
8. Back up, around to the front and up to wait a half an hour so that I could go down, down, around to the back and down the stairs to put the clothes in the dryer


And let me just say writing a Bio that is to nest between any two of my colleagues. Not so fun. I made mine funny.


Anonymous said...

me too! Both. Of you/yours!


Queen Vic said...

ah ha! You are still alive and able to enter the blog world!! Soooo any chance you'll be keeping us abreast of work, life in the big city etc???? I miss the updates and the connection :(


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

where are you??? It's been a long time since you've posted anything...
love you and miss you


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I am doing my best to find the good things in my life and cherish them. I love deeply. I laugh hard (so hard I sometimes snort). I still dream and believe that dreams are meant to be followed. I try to depend on God. I have so much to learn. I hope.

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